Actor and filmmaker Mel Gibson returned to his Malibu property on Wednesday, which had been reduced to rubble by the recent Palisades fire. Gibson appeared deeply focused on expressing gratitude to the first responders on site, taking time to personally thank firefighters and acknowledge their efforts.
The fire, which caused widespread destruction in the area, left many residents unable to return to their homes. Gibson, however, was escorted back to his property by the fire department while participating in a ride-along interview with a NewsNation correspondent.
Photographs from the visit show Gibson surveying the damage and recovering what appeared to be an end table from the debris. Despite the devastation, Gibson has emphasized his relief that his family is safe.
In a recent interview with Joe Rogan, Gibson described his experience, saying he was "ill at ease" when he learned the fire had engulfed his neighborhood. He explained that the Santa Ana winds intensified the situation, noting, "You could put it in an urn," when referring to the remains of his house.
The Palisades fire, fueled by strong winds and dry conditions, has destroyed multiple homes and displaced numerous families. Authorities continue to investigate the cause of the fire as recovery efforts are underway.