During his "New Rules" segment, Maher opened with a sarcastic remark: "One hopeful thing did happen when we were on our break: a health insurance executive got shot in the back on the street in broad daylight." The comment earned a few cheers from the audience, which Maher quickly dismissed, signaling his serious concern about the reaction.
Maher blasted the growing support for Mangione, saying, “The kids couldn’t love the guy who did it anymore if he were the leader of a terrorist organization.” While acknowledging frustrations over health insurance companies and their controversial practices, Maher questioned how violence became an acceptable response. “Pharmaceutical companies, doctors, hospitals, even tech bros behind medical portals screw you over too — so, is the answer to shoot everyone?” he asked.
Maher shifted his focus to what he called the "new politics of the far left" and Gen Z, accusing them of oversimplifying complex issues. He drew comparisons to the backlash against Sarah Palin in 2010 when she used crosshairs on a map targeting congressional districts, wondering why liberals now seem to embrace vigilantism.
For Mangione, Maher delivered a sharp final note: "Good luck in prison, where being handsome always makes you popular."