John Stewart is a beloved character in the DC Universe, known for being one of the first Black superheroes. Fans may remember his prominent role in the Justice League animated series, where he teamed up with iconic heroes like Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman.
Following the announcement, fans expressed their excitement on social media. One Reddit user joked, “He’s already got the green eyes. Saved some money on the CGI. Good choice.” Another fan said Pierre could "carry a franchise" and praised his performance in Rebel Ridge, calling his presence "commanding."
Pierre’s casting has drawn comparisons to the animated version of John Stewart, with fans noting his sharp features and piercing eyes. One user even commented, "He looks almost identical to the animated series John Stewart."
Alongside Pierre, Kyle Chandler has been cast as Hal Jordan, another iconic Green Lantern. Chandler, known for Friday Night Lights and Early Edition, was introduced to fans with an Instagram post by James Gunn, welcoming him to the DC Universe.
The Lanterns series is set to follow John Stewart, a new recruit, and his mentor, Hal Jordan, as they investigate a murder on Earth. Though no release date has been confirmed, fans are eagerly awaiting this intergalactic mystery series.