This year marks the 30th anniversary of "Friends," which debuted on September 22, 1994, featuring Aniston alongside Matt LeBlanc, David Schwimmer, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, and the late Matthew Perry. The series remains popular for its relatable humor and the enduring bond between its characters. Aniston reflected on her time on the show, calling it her favorite job and admitting she misses the filming schedule "every single day."
In a separate conversation with Quinta Brunson for Variety's Actors on Actors series, Aniston reminisced about the show's premiere, recalling a lunch with Perry when they learned Kudrow was at the salon getting her hair done. She described a chaotic but exciting moment when she ran into the salon to help wash Kudrow’s hair. Aniston emphasized the lasting impact of "Friends," stating, "The fact that it’s had this long, wonderful life and it still means a lot to people is one of the greatest gifts."