While Gary Oldman, who portrayed Sirius Black in the films, has expressed interest in playing Dumbledore, Jared Harris remains uninterested. In a recent interview with The Independent's series Go to Bat, he stated, "No, thank you," and questioned the need for a reboot, saying, “The films were fantastic – leave them alone.” However, he did acknowledge that the TV series might explore storylines left out of the films.
Harris also shared memories from working on a documentary about his father's life, titled The Ghost of Richard Harris. He revealed that Richard had started writing his autobiography while in the hospital, but his notes were accidentally discarded by a nurse. Jared reflected on the challenge of capturing his father's full story in the documentary.
Currently, Jared Harris stars in the new film Reawakening, alongside Juliet Stevenson and Erin Doherty. The drama focuses on a married couple confronting past issues when their daughter, who vanished as a teenager, suddenly reappears.